

Effective help for selected patients with congenital heart defects

Congenital heart disease is a common genetic disorder that greatly affects quality of life. Only in the Czech Republic, every year about 500 children are born with a heart defect. Fortunately, Czech health care can effectively manage these complications. They are, however, areas of the world where the incidence of related inborn complications, are much higher and effective help is lacking. Czech Heart Foundation wants to bring an effective and long-term support to these areas to help children with congenital heart disease and to provide them regular development from birth to adulthood. The Czech heart for us means a good heart of Czech doctors and medics and all those who are not indifferent to the fate of people who, without our help, can not live the life they imagined.

23 Sobita Chaudhury

The charity run Probehni.se 2023 has once again contributed to saving human life. The Czech Heart Foundation approved financial assistance for the surgery of Sobita Chaudhory, a 35-year-old woman from Nepal, who has rheumatic heart disease and is indicated for Ao and Mi valve replacement. The surgery in poverty-stricken Nepal costs $5,612 and is unaffordable for a normal person.

22 Samsul Dewan

We have good news from Nepal. In collaboration with Nepalese doctors, mitral and aortic valve replacement with mechanical prostheses for rheumatic heart disease was performed. The patient's name is Samsul Dewan, he is 40 years old, he has a family and now he is able to live a normal life. The man was diagnosed with bi-valvular post-rheumatic disability. The whole operation cost 5200 USD and was funded by the Czech Heart Foundation.

21 Inearjeet Sah

Great New Year news came from Nepal. The operation, which we planned since the end of November last year and financed by the financial support received in cooperation with Proběhni.se, turned out great. A 40-year-old patient named Inearjeet Sah, father of 4 children, was successfully operated in Birgunj on New Year's Day. The man had significant post-rheumatic mitral and aortic valve involvement. He is now stable and enjoying good health.

20 Gayatri Devi

Another funded operation in Nepal by our foundation! Gayatri Devi, a 47-year-old woman from Nepal having severe coronary artery disease, which means that her coronary arteries are significantly narrowed by atherosclerosis. In everyday life, therefore, she has to deal with breathing problems and constant chest pain. Gayatri is a mother of two children, together with her husband they are farmers and their family daily income is about 4 USD. This week, Gyatri will undergo a triple bypass, which was estimated at $ 3,000, an amount will be fully paid by Czech heart foundation.

19 Suliman Miya Dhobi

Great news. We are very happy to inform you that the surgical procedure of Suliman Miya Dhobi went well yesterday! Our friend, dr. Kaushal Tiwari and dr. Afroz Ansari performed a double valve replacement in National medical College Birgunj in Nepal. The patient was already extubated and will remain on ICU till tomorrow. Suliman Miya Dhobi's successful operation cost approx. $ 5,057. This father of 5 children, a salesman in a chicken shop with a daily income of about $ 10, could never afford the operation on his own.

18 Robel

A good thing has happenned. Last week, a 11-year-old Robel was diagnosed with a congenital heart disease, with which he would not certainly survive till adulthood. Today we met him and his mother, after the operation, he is doing well!

17 Monaiji Khatoon

On behalf of treating surgeons Kaushal Tiwari, we would like to inform you that our foundation help to Mrs. Monaija Khatoon from Nepal. Diagnosis of Rheumatic Heart Disease with severe mitral stenosis. We paid mitral valve replacement and saved her life. We hope that she is fine now. And she will.

16 Sunita Kumari

We are very happy that we managed to save another human life. Thanks to the financial assistance of our foundation, 26-year-old Sunita Kumari from a very poor part of Nepal (Raamban, Sarlahi) was able to undergo a mitral valve replacement at Birgunj Hospital. The operation went well and her whole family is grateful for the help that came from the Czech Republic. Thank you Kaushal Tiwari and Ramchandra Khattri for helping us plan the operation.

15 Abdelazim Mohammad Suliman

Abdelazim Mohammad Suliman is a 25-year old man from Darfur area in Sudan, who was recently diagnosed with severe rheumatic affection of aortic and mitral valves. He developed shortness of breath, chest pain and fatigue. His family could not afford paying the surgery, as the total price is 4 000 USD. Despite help from state insurance and friends, he was still missing 1 500 USD. We are very happy that board of our foundation agreed on providing donation to support this urgent operation, which will be held today in Alshaab Hospital, Khartoum, Sudan. We wish him all the best, and we will keep you informed about his outcome. Abdelazim’s heart operation was successful, we are very happy for that. Thank you for your support.

14 Tanahi Nepali

Yes, another nepalese patient, another proof that our missions are of crucial importance! Another young person will have the opportunity to live a normal life. Just two weeks after the detection of significant post rheumatic stenosis of the mitral valve, the 30-year-old Tanahi Nepal, underwent the balloon valvuloplasty of this valve in the city of Bharatpur.

13 Sunita

Today we are happy and we are celebrating. Thirteen-year-old Sunita, who was investigating the first day of our Nepalese mission in the village Jugedi, went for PTMC. Everything was done without complications. Immediately a positive result was apparent, and little Sunita smiled. We wish her a healthy life!

12 Fátima

As part of a mission in Sudan, the Czech Heart Foundation financially supported the operation of the six-month Fatima. Our doctors Michal Pazdernik and Radoslav Maxian were at the operation. The whole performance costs two thousand dollars. Parents of a little girl would not be able to afford the surgery. Today we met a small one and gave her a gift from our fans from the Czech Republic - a giant plush toy which can give her courage. The operation of the 6-month Fatima was successful without complications. Little girl was brave and we are glad we could help her to keep her childhood from being affected by a heart defect. We wish her a strong health!

11 Madi Baranji

Thanks to Cardion company (http://www.cardion.cz/) and our friend dr. Kaushal Tiwari, our young patient has been successfully operated two days ago. Thanks to great co-operation, we have saved one young human life. See the story bellow. Every single human life counts. Our patients, Madi Baranji, is a 21-year old boy from very remote area of Nepal called Bajhang. He is studying in the city of Bharatpur (place where dr. Kaushal Tiwari works). Recently, he has started to have shortness of breath during his regular activities. Severe combined postrheumatic mitral valve affection was diagnosed. This young gentleman comes from a very poor family. His father is a farmer and he has another 3 siblings. They could not afford the cost of the treatment. Due to the support from the Nadační fond České srdce / Czech Heart Foundation, Cardion company, Government of Nepal Fund for Poor Patients and support from the National Heart And Lung Society, his surgery was done and he didn't have to pay the cost of the treatment.

10 Abbas Abdurahem

Tenth saved child! We are very pleased that thanks to our help, we have managed to perform catheter surgery to the tenth child with congenital heart disease (persistent ductus arteriosus) in Sudan's Khartoum! This was the 19-month-old baby Abbas Abdurah, who had recurrent respiratory infections as the onset manifestation of heart failure. The catheterization set, which cost about 800 US dollars, could never be afforded by a poor family from rural area of Sudan. 

09 Mona Abdulrahman Sabil

Another person in Sudan has a chance for a normal life. Twenty years old Mona Abdulrahman Sabil from North Kordofan in the west of Sudan would not survive without our help. Now he has a healthy heart. The first adult patient supported by the African Heart. Thanks for cooperation to Ahmed Gasim Hospital

08 Tanzeal Hatem

There are never enough of good news. Today we have some super one from Sudan. Another child has a hope for a seamless childhood. Thanks to African Heart Foundation. Her name is Hatem Tanzeal and she has three years. Good luck

07 Aya Yousif

Another child in Sudan. Thanks to your support, we paid for the catheter surgery of first child this year. The five-year Aya Yousif from North Darfur is in a good condition. The procedure was performed without complications. 20.000 CZK for the catheter set enabled little Aya normal childhood and a life without limitations. Thank you.

06 Shahd Abadie

Her name is Shahd Abadie - 16 months and 8.5 kg. She was having respiratory tract infection because of her congenital heart disease. Now, thanks to support of the Czech Heart Foundation, she is in good health after the catheterization procedure. Good news.

04 a 05 Muataz a Munsin

Today we performed catheterization procedures of two small kids in Mawada Hospital of Khartoum. One-year old Muataz and three-years old Munsin. Both kids with congenital heart disease. Both are in good shape now. Thanks to Czech Heart Foundation.

03 Adam Abdulrasol

Seven year old Sudanese boy Adam Abdulrasol with congenital heart disease is in good health after the catheter surgery. Thanks to support of the Czech Heart Foundation. We are happy that he is doing well after the procedure.

02 Kaltom Abakar

Another Sudanese child can enjoy a normal childhood thanks to the financial support of the Czech Heart Foundation. Two-year girl Kaltom Ahmed Abakar - from poor province from east Sudan called Kassala - suffered from repeated infections of upper respiratory and cardiac complications. Complications were surgically removed. We wish to Kaltom good health!

01 Rihad Ridwan Adam

Sudan, 24. 6. 2016. Thanks to our support, we managed to save the first Sudanese child. Our first patient was a 3-year-old girl named Riham Ridwan Adam who was failing to thrive due to this congenital heart disease, having repeated upper respiratory tract infection and weighing just nine kilograms. The girl came from the region of Darfur in western Sudan and had to travel around 1030km distance to our interventional cardiologist dr. Basit to the capital city of Khartoum.

iconNadační fond České srdce / Czech Heart Foundation
IKEM - Institut klinické a experimentální medicíny / Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Vídeňská 1958/9
140 21 Praha
icon+420 770 171 111